Yoga is internal. The rest is circus.

Dear Yogis

May 18th (yesterday) marks the death anniversary of Sri Pattabhi Jois, simply the greatest teacher of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Every time I practice with one of his students I wish I had been lucky enough to meet him. They talk of a magical time with him. They quote him endlessly and some of those quotes announce themselves on T Shirts and profile pictures such as ‘Body is not stiff, Mind is stiff’. Another one that gives a clue of the depth and breadth and height of the practice: “This yoga is not for exercise. Yoga is showing where to look for the soul – that is all”. For those of us in the spiritual slow lane, there’s no need to beat ourselves up; he wanted us to engage in the physical practice. “99% practice, 1% theory”. (Phew!) In an attempt to touch some of the Guruji magic, I will be studying with his son, Manju Jois, this year.

Home Studio

I’m away next week in Kythera, Greece. There are no classes in my Home Studio. Is it time for you to spread your wings and see what other yoga classes are out there? Yoga West in Acton has a variety of classes including pregnancy classes. There’s plenty online that you can do. I have a few short practices on my website. Here’s one of my teachers online, Kino MacGregor, with a 30-day challenge. Most of her ‘tutorials’ are so short you can zip through a few at a time and the final one is only 30 minutes. For Pregnancy Yoga, a highly, highly experienced pregnancy yoga teacher, Lolly Stirk in Notting Hill Gate is a teacher to go to with all questions or worries. Online, try this with Katy Appleton who is a pregnancy yoga teacher trainer.

Write and let me know what yoga you did. There are plenty of places here the week after next. Book a class.

Yoga In The News

I love Ryan Giggs because of all the young guys who have come to try yoga because of him. He really has been a yoga inspiration. Last weekend the FT wrote about how yoga prolonged his career. He says: “Yoga was first about injury prevention, but later it became about recovery. The day after a match, the adrenalin would still be in my body. But the following day, when I got out of bed, everything would hurt, so I would do yoga then. It made me more aware of my body.”

Not to be outdone, boxer Anthony Joshua reveals he uses yoga to lengthen career . He says: 'The hardest yoga pose I've done is the downward facing dog. I just don't understand why you have to hold it for so long’. 

Have a lovely weekend and a yogic week.

Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes

Dear Yogis

The week whisked by in electrified haste. Of course, it’s hard to get through seven days without someone telling me they are not flexible enough for yoga. The latest, an athletic cyclist, left me marvelling at how many people want to tell me that they can’t touch their toes. It’s a sweet confession.  Soon he’ll find out that he’ll wow the crowds with the muscularity of his chaturangas! And then we will need calming music...

I often get asked about the music I play in class. Here’s a list of a few, with links:

Home Studio

We had our first pregnancy yoga class on Tuesday and more have booked for next week. The time is 6.00-7.00pm. If you can’t make it there’s plenty online that you can do. Try this with Katy Appleton who is a pregnancy yoga teacher trainer.

Last night I had a request to include Lotus Pose – Padmasana. Unfortunately, Lotus doesn’t just come when summoned but it is a posture that is achievable. I never thought my body would let me have this one... and then it did! Here are a couple of things you can do: the simple Ashtanga Primary Series leads up to it eventually; a Jason Crandell Essential Sequence; and, the thing that finally, surprisingly, gave me Lotus, Jim Bennitt supine pigeon-to-Lotus. Here’s a clip that gives a hint of what to do. I’ll show you if this is something you want to try.

There are plenty of places next week. Book a class.


This Sunday I have Ashtanga Yoga 2nd Series Workshop with Andy Gill. Join me. Don’t forget that Lululemon has free yoga. They provide yoga mats and just ask that you get there 15 minutes early. Sweaty Betty also has free classes.

Whatever you do this weekend, have fun!

Yoga for abs

Dear Yogis

What a beautiful morning after a week of grey! Before setting off for my favourite gym, I want to suggest something un-yogic! Last Sunday I did a workshop on the Building Blocks to Jump-Through & Jump Back (catastrophically devoid of either, my feedback was detailed!) and then went to meet a weights coach for a private session. If you get the chance, do the latter. You will achieve more, gain more self knowledge, and dread the sight of stairs for a few days! That’s ok; it’s good to work hard and feel the muscles.

My session involved four drills, mostly addressing my weak lower abs, (I can’t do a hanging leg lift, not even to bring my legs up to 90°): dead-lifts (30kg with the bar and one 24kg dumbbell) supine lower-abs curls (weight disk on legs and holding 2.5 kgs), squats (holding 14kgs to chest) and split squats. I just couldn't recommend it more. He's happy for me to recommend his coaching to yogis! We met in Broadgate so If you work near there and you’re interested, I’ll put you in touch.

Home Studio

Pregnancy yoga! It’s time! The Tuesday 6.00-7.00 will now be a pregnancy yoga class starting next week. I have teacher training in pregnancy yoga and I’ve been asked over and over again to provide a specific class. It’s here! One person has already booked. Please pass this email on to anyone you know who might be interested.

It’s been a great week in my lucky Home Studio with the usual sprinkling of regulars and newbies. Headaches made an appearance too so here’s an article that might be of interest if a busy day continues to pound away in your head like a drum kit. Try not to skip a yoga practice.

Yoga in the news

Very exciting to read that a Chihuahua festival in Gerrards Cross in August will attempt to break the official Guinness World Record for the largest dog yoga class, currently held by Hong Kong and their 270 dogs.

Thank you for all your lovely feedback and your endless enthusiasm. Have a lovely weekend.

Freaky Yoga

Dear Yogis

I was asked about Nauli Kriya this week and I’ve been meaning to write to you about it and introduce you to the idea. Nauli can be translated as ‘rectus abdominals’ or ‘navel string’ and Kriya as ‘action’ or ‘cleansing’. It’s a practice that very obviously tones the abdominal muscles and very obviously gives an abdominal massage. It benefits the heart, kidneys, liver, digestive system, it drives out sluggishness, and cures disorders of the doshas! (See last week’s email!).

Now I read that ‘Nauli Is the Freaky Yoga Pose Taking Over Instagram’! It looks a bit like a Sigourney Weaver alien is in there and it’s definitely a shock the first time you see it in class – a little off-putting, in fact. Once you are able to perform uddiyana bandha (abdominal lock – empty stomach) then you can give it a go, unless pregnant! Here’s a favourite teacher of mine, Danny Paradise, giving instruction.

Home Studio

This Monday is another Bank Holiday and I’ll be holding both the 6.00 and the 7.30 classes in my home studio. Take a deep breath and join in, especially if you are new to yoga and want to give it a go. Yoga is for all. Yoga will calm whatever worries you bring along. Yoga doesn’t care about age, gender, size, or any other self- induced obstructions. (Just clean feet!!! Thank you for all of the responses to my call to cleanliness in last week’s email.)


This weekend I’ll be at Moorgate Light Centre on Sunday from 9.30-13.30 for a Jump Through workshop. It’s called ‘Building Blocks to Achieve Jump-Thru & Jump Back Ashtanga Workshop’. The workshop starts with a Led Primary Class. Join me if you’re free.

Yoga in the news

I’ve been sent two inspiring reports this week by many yogis, Thank you for that. The first is the 97-year-old yogi lady Tamil Nadu who is a yogi, a teacher and a teacher trainer. Slightly different is the posting of Yoga with Dog! Sweet!

Have a lovely long weekend. Another one!

Roots of Yoga

Dear Yogis

I was absolutely delighted to see that Dr Mark Singleton, is back with a new book promotion at SOAS on April 24th (this Monday), to promote Roots of Yoga. His previous book ‘Yoga Body’ is an absolute page-turner. The new book launch event is led by Radio 4’s Mukti Jain Campion (who produced a very listenable programme last year for International Yoga Day). Dr Mark Singleton tells me that the free evening will be filmed and posted on the SOAS website. I’ll find it and include it in a future email. (It was in a workshop with him that I got my first headstand-with-ease... my legs floated up like magic! With that magical memory I’m always excited to hear of his writings!)

Home Studio and Gym

I have loads of Easter thanks to give. On Easter Friday we packed 35 yogis into that little gym studio at Eden Fitness (which fits 20 comfortably!) and I know many brought loved ones with them. I’m completely honoured. I was also thrilled to get Quinoa/avocado-based vegan chocolate cake from one yogi and a box of vegan chocolates from another – both disappeared shockingly quickly!

There are still places in the Home Studio classes Monday and Tuesday of next week if you too need to burn of Easter excesses. If you’re planning on teacher training or just want to deepen your knowledge of yoga practice, the 6.00 Tuesday class goes into the Ashtanga system in more depth than you’d normally find in classes.

Horses sweat, Men perspire, Women glow, Yogis shower!

It’s getting hot. My studio is warm. Summer is sliding into view and bringing with it various levels of sweat, perspiration and glow. Please shower before class! Give your shoes the sniff test. My little studio takes six yogis so there’s nowhere to hide and scented candles can’t cope! Incense would smoke us out. If you’re coming straight from work you’re welcome to have a shower here. The shower room is for yogis.


Last Saturday I did a workshop called Ashtanga and Ayurveda with Andy Gill and Justin Robertshaw. I had to find out what my Dosha is before the class. I dutifully did this – you can search online for ‘Ayurveda quizz’ – and went to the workshop as a Kapha with a bit of Vata and pitiful Pita. I had no idea what this meant and didn’t relate much to the websites and the conclusions of their quizzes. However, during the workshop I couldn’t believe how typically and totally Kapha I am and how that knowledge explains my behaviour, energy, even things I say and my reactions to people. I’ll let you know if and when another Andy Gill Ayurveda workshop comes up. It’s fascinating.

Marathon Runners.

Good luck! Triyoga will be celebrating your wonderfulness by offering a free class to anyone who takes in their 2017 London Marathon medal from the 24 – 30 April to any triyoga centre. Through the same link you can find free Yoga For Sports classes on the 26th, 27th and 29th of this month.

Yoga for Trauma

Dear Yogis

Having written last week about anti-gravity yoga, I thought I’d continue with styles of yoga and give you an idea about Forrest Yoga, named after the originator, Ana Forrest. What sparked my sudden interest is that teacher Ambra Vallo told me that the practice attracts people with deep emotional needs who are in need of ‘Fierce Medicine’, perhaps due to abuse, breakdowns, drugs, or other traumas. I unearthed this quote about how she practiced yoga to unearth rage and pain ‘stored in the body’ (yup, that stuff is physical!) and shift it out:

“But there is a point when you’ve cleared some space in your body and life and you have to take another level of responsibility, which is scary but sweet: What do you want to put there now that you’ve gotten rid of the toxic gunk? I teach people to move the gunk out and fill the spaces with magic and the mystery of aliveness. If you don’t put the energy you want inside you in those spaces, they just fill up again with garbage.

Here’s another quote I love:

“One of the things I talk about a lot is the “struggle syndrome.” We are taught that putting up a struggle is the way to proceed. To me struggle-mode is like pouring out your energy and then trying to achieve some great deed but failing because all of your energy has been spent.”

Trauma is not hard to come by but it’s hard to let go. If any of this interests you, here’s a workshop with her in which she focuses on fear.

Home Studio

There are still plenty of places in all the classes next week. In yesterday’s Ashtanga class we had a look at the holy grail of ‘jumping through’. We used blocks and socks! On Wednesday we did upside-down Crow a la Jason Crandell (he comes to it at 22.40). The six-pack is coming back for the summer as a result!

Lovely Feedback

“I tried the head stand in class last night. I managed to stay to knee level for almost 5 breaths. I was so excited I couldn't sleep”.

Yoga in the news

For Britain’s Got Talent fans, I found that the programme has tried out Doga. Dogs appear from all directions to have a go. You know what they say in TV... ‘Never work with animals or children’.


I trained last weekend with the unbelievably qualified Ambra Vallo (800 hour Dharma Mittra; 200 hour Ashtanga Vinyasa and 100 hour Rocket with It's Yoga; 500 hour Ashtanga Vinyasa with Absolute Yoga Academy; 40 hour Intensive Ashtanga with David Swenson and Tripsichore Yoga Training with Edward Clarke.) She’s back at Indaba for the weekend of the 27th/28th for a weekend of Rocket Yoga. Join me! She’s an absolute joy to learn from.

The next thing I have signed up for is Yin Yoga for Yang Yogis with Marcus Veda on April 22nd. He’s an incredible teacher.

Have a lovely Easter.

AntiGravity ProYoga

Dear Yogis

I was asked this week about AntiGravity Aerial Yoga and if it is a fad or not. One way to find out is to give it a go - perhaps with my teacher - and see if you feel better. The inventor of Antigravity yoga is Christopher Harrison, a dancer, choreographer, gymnast, tumbling specialist, fitness instructor, yogi and inventor. He came across yoga when due to perform in India but his body broke down after years of injury and surgery. He says that “transition from hard and fast to slow and mindful was not easy”. His influences have a strong foundation; Sivananda and Iyengar. It would be fair to see his interpretation of yoga as another branch in the evolving story of yoga.

Home Studio

Classes this week in my little studio really showed the yin and the yang of practice. Sometimes you have breakthroughs, sometimes cramp comes along to rob you of your postures. Sometimes the heart opens, the chakras are on fire and you are one with the universe, sometimes the back twinges and gives up and the class is over before it’s begun. This is the way with yoga as it is in life. This week we had newcomers, regulars, runners and chanters, tired supine yogis and happy headstanders. All human life was here. Get on the magic mat and join us.


The Light Centre Islington is having a sale of props you might be interested in. They have some ‘barely used props’ to sell for cash only. It’s on Tuesday 11th April 2-6pm. Here is what they are offering: Flat blocks - £3; Bricks - £3, Belts - £3, Bolsters - £20, Blankets - £10.

Lovely Feedback

I have mastered headstand. As always the first time I was up I got too excited and came with a thud!!  I am now up to three calm breaths and a controlled decent all in the middle of the room and unsupported!”

“Your words about 'releasing the chatter of the mind' really struck a chord: I experienced this 'letting go' of that chatter during a pose you taught us involving our head, leg and a belt. Letting go into the belt and floating for a few breaths hit the spot on lots of levels- that pose stayed with me for at least the rest of the day.” 

Yoga in the news

When I look for yoga in the news an array of crazy stories come up like Goat Yoga, Cat Yoga, Yoga and Cannabis, Yoga on the London to Watford train, Heavy Metal Yoga. When I hosted a radio programme I had a silly news slot. It should have been a silly yoga news slot!

Luckily, we have The Telegraph break the latest news, that Breathing deeply reverse engineers your mood by tricking your brain cells into thinking you are calm.  There are apparently ‘175 brain cells which spy on the breath and alter state of mind accordingly.


Join me this weekend! I’m spending the whole weekend at the Light Centre Moorgate training with Ambra Vallo, celebrated forest Yoga teacher, and Dan Peppiatt. The course is called ‘Safe Journey to Advanced Asana - An intensive journey.

Work From Ome

Dear Yogis,

A new yogi very, very generously gave me the reasons he was apprehensive about coming to class. He said that “it's the feeling of being an absolute beginner, being embarrassed, being unable to perform the moves, and being stiff as a board

Well! He came, he saw, he conquered!

I think it’s incredible how people overcome all kinds of worries and doubts and come to class and then, so quickly, they make it their own. As long as you breathe lovely long breaths - the most important thing we do in class – it’ll be fine, I promise! That’s how to train the nervous system, slow down the heart-rate, ease the muscles into stretches, relax and discover mindfulness. That’s how we de-clutter the mind and make friends with the body. I found this lovely, short, how-to You Tube about ‘Ujjayi’ breathing (‘Victorious Breath’). Take a look. Come to class and be victorious!

Home Studio

My rip-roaring success of an Ashtanga class - the new Tuesday class at 6.00 to unpick the Ashtanga practice - had two whole people this week! We learnt the Sanskrit count and how to practice Sun Salutations while counting. We learnt the Ashtanga Opening Chant and we closed the class with practicing AUM (Om) and feeling the effects. In this class there will inevitable be repetition so sign up – you haven’t missed out.

Yoga in the workplace

Work from Om! Give it a go. I have a newly freed-up morning so if you would like to try to introduce yoga into your workplace and the benefits of starting the day with fun and positivity, give me a call.

Yoga in the News

Valley Fontaine asks on the BBC World Service this week: ‘Yoga, Why Do We Do It?’. A little while ago, Naga Munchetty did a yoga TV programme, Bend it like Britain, despite knowing nothing about the subject. Valley Fontaine ends her radio programme with trying Downward Facing Dog... and giving up. It occurs to me that if you want to write a proposal/‘treatment’ for a radio programme about yoga, I’ll help you!

Have a lovely weekend and good luck with your April Fools tricks.

Like to the lark at break of day arising

Dear Yogis.

Clocks forward fold this weekend as we donate an hour to the early dawn. Now that the lightness of the evening shines positive energy upon us, it’s time to make plans for workshops, retreats and weekend events. If you’re looking for a suggestion, I’m going to the Yoga Connects Full Moon Glastonbury Festival, July 7-9. There are over 20 teachers, and what would it be without a ‘holistic area’ and ‘healing lotus yurts’! I’m familiar with the names of some of the teachers in the line-up (Ambra Vallo, Stewart Gilchrist, Eugene Vegan Butcher) and other teachers I can’t wait to practice with (Jim Tarran and Keef Miles). Why don’t you come!

Home Studio

You’re so inspiring! I’m sure most of you would make great yoga teachers. You could teach your skiing buddies, your rugby, running and triathlon buddies; you could teach in your workplaces, pubs and schools; you could teach people with injuries and conditions; you could teach your own age-group or tiny children. The House of Fraser is apparently introducing champagne bars and yoga studios! More places will follow and need teachers! Come to class – there’s plenty of space in my Home Studio next week and let me know if you want to be on a waiting list. (This week was a week of cancellations!)


A yoga teacher that I love to learn from, Jenny Fearnley, is teaching the Full Primary Series this weekend at Yoga West. I urge you to give it a go (Saturday 1:15 PM - 3:15 PM). In our one-hour classes we barely get through half of the series. It’s worth finding out what comes next: Boat Pose; Arm Pressure Posture which turns into crow... with the help of a miracle or two; Tortoise pose; Headstand. Let Jenny guide you through the delights and horrors.

Yoga in the news

I know many of you only come to my classes for the plank pose so I couldn’t resist this report from The Mirror: ‘Amazing athletic baby holds the plank yoga position for an impressive 34 seconds’.  On a different note, I know that some of you are interested in weight loss so this article from Lifehacker UK tells us that ‘Yoga Burns Serious Calories If You Do It Fast Enough’. The study tells us that you can speed up and burn 5.42 calories per second instead of 3.3 if you do a slower practice! The article very helpfully gives you a sequence and a timer to get you on your way! Try it and report back! I’ll do the same.

Have a lovely Spring weekend.

You're out of your mind!

Dear Yogis.

About a decade ago I had depression. I spent a lot of time sleeping on the sofa! There was absolutely no way of lifting my energy or positivity. Today I don’t have depression and I can hardly comprehend what it’s like to have it. When I was in it, I couldn’t imagine coming out of it. I wish I had understood yoga better then but the inner ruminations of the practice was not something that was ever mentioned!

I’m reminded of this because of passages in the book about Sri K Pattabhi Jois that I am finding all-consuming at the moment. The following thoughts on integrating the body and the breath are from Graeme Northfield, a trained nurse with a rare spinal condition before he took up yoga. He says we should aim to practice with feeling... ‘to actually feel our body, to have sensation in our body.’ ‘Westerners tend to be in their minds. It’s important that we transform from being in our heads to being in our bodies in a feeling way.’ ‘You want to get out of your mind.’ Graeme Northfield says that’s how we let go of the chitter-chatter of the mind and become conscious of the feeling in the heart – where you find acceptance, non-judgment and being present.

I think if this had been explained to me, it might have helped. Who knows! Once you learn the repetitive Ashtanga system you move through it instinctively, just watching the breath and letting go of the mind. This isn’t just for conditions like depression. This is for all of us. Taking a break from the chitter-chatter is the whole point of yoga. It's how we attempt to make the mind a more skilful instrument for daily use.

Home Studio

My new Beginners’ Ashtanga class on Tuesday 6.00pm was a rip-roaring success – no one booked! I have a feeling you’d like another stretchy class. However, I will persist. We will learn the ‘opening chant’ and the names of postures and go into some anatomical detail of postures – you can bring a notebook and take notes. There’s plenty of space in all of the classes next week. You can book here.

Yoga in the news

Uh oh! This is worrying. We yogis are polluting the seas with the fibres from our yoga clothes! The Times (subscription only) and ABC News tell us that ecologists in Florida found that microfibres from synthetic fabrics are more common in the seas than the micro-beads recently banned from cosmetic products. ABC reports on one clothing company that is supporting research into microfiber pollution ways to minimize microfiber shedding in laundry. Uh oh!


The London Marathon is just around the corner and I’m lucky enough to teach a lot of runners. They will know that yoga is not an hour of excruciating judgement on how flexible they are! It’s about improving range-of-motion and minimizing injury when pounding the pavement. This a lovely article on why runners should befriend their yoga teacher! (PS. Runners come to class with a lot more strength than most and therefore have an advantage in many postures.)

This Sunday has perfect weather for running! Enjoy!