The Buddha was a Yogi

Dear Yogis

Last weekend, all over the Buddhist world, was the celebration of the Buddha’s First Sermon. Many people link yoga and Buddhism; it is common to find a seated Buddha statue in yoga studios giving an example of a perfect yogi in flawless meditation pose with textbook lotus feet and mudra hands. Sometimes he is depicted as being protected by a many-headed cobra – the common image ascribed to Patanjali who gave us the Yoga Sutras. Like the Buddha, Patanjali was interested in the cessation of suffering and stilling the fluctuations of the mind.

An article by Ramesh Bjonnes says that before the Buddha became the Buddha he was a yogi, a wanderer and a spiritual seeker and therefore familiar ‘with the various practices of Tantra: mantra meditation, kundalini awakening, asana practice, fasting, the smearing of the body with ashes.’ Yogic ideas and Buddhist philosophy came about in reaction to the Vedic order of the day. Both systems include precepts to follow as part of a spiritual life. Yoga has the Yamas and Niyamas (Things to avoid: violence, lying, stealing, wasting energy, and greed. Things to undertake: cleanliness, contentment, purification, self-study, and surrender to or contemplation of a higher power). Buddhism has the Noble Eightfold Path, introduced in his First Sermon (Right Understanding, Right Intent, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration).

Both systems argue that it is a mistake to identify ‘the self’ with the body, beliefs and other mental formations. Instead, we are trying to conquer our obsession with ‘I, me and mine’. If we locate the ‘self’ in what we do for a living, what we own or how we look, suffering caused by impermanence will inevitably come.

Attachment to yoga postures is the same; my difficult Lotus pose, my struggling handstand, my brilliant crow pose! Watch that attachment! We love some postures (ego) and dread others (also ego!). All of them, however, lead us to observe how the mind works; from a state of bliss to reluctance to a myriad of other responses. And so, it turns out, the main lesson is not the asana but the nature of the mind! Thank you Buddha and Patanjili!


It’s just over a month to go! It’s come so quickly! Enquiries are still coming in and I just can’t wait to take you there. The retreats are now also advertised on and there are spaces available. Details are still on the retreat pages on my website and plenty of photos on both sites.

Home Studio

Welcome to more and more new yogis who are coming to my Home Studio and discovering or re-discovering yoga practice. In the Wednesday and Thursday classes we’re concentrating on the seated postures of the Primary Series and adding some stretches to help. It’s so nice not to be worn out by the sun salutations and standing postures and then having to squeeze the seated postures in. For next week’s classes you can see what’s available here. (I update this before posting this email.)  You can book here.


I have a few free weekends so I’m open to ideas. There are some yoga festivals around. Next weekend is the Flo Vibe festival in Hampshire which I might go to just for the Yoga Meets Reggae!  Another possibility is the Soul Circus on the weekend of the 19/20th in the Cotswolds. Ambra Vallo will be there… which is a draw.

‘I have signed up for Tim Feldmann at Triyoga Camden, 24-26th August. (Anus engagement again!) He is over from the Miami Life Centre on the Bank Holiday Weekend. Last time I trained with him I felt so lucky to have access to such brilliant teachers in London.

Yoga in the news

Did you see this heartbreaking story? ‘Yoga for three-year-olds to combat London city stress’. It’s because three-year-olds need ‘coping strategies’. says: Cowboys' offensive line takes up yoga. The Dallas big boys are trying to get their legs behind the head in preparation for the next American football season!

Stay cool this weekend.

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