Now It's Personal!

Dear Yogi Friend.

I have been talking about the old Mula Banda in class for the last two weeks. Much tittering and smirking has taken place... and then some real and unexpected achievements found in certain postures.  I found a paragraph about The Squeeze (!) in a wonderful book that I'm reading that might inspire in you some horror... (and some gratitude that I only say that word!!!) See the attachment from 'Guruji, a portrait of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois through the eyes of his students'.

Home Studio

As you know, nothing gets in the way of our love for Plank Pose. On Tuesday, one of my red heart-shaped valentines balloons popped like a gun shot in the middle of our favourite posture and despite our many violent heart attacks, our strong arms and abs kept us up! Come and have fun with us. Book early - my waiting lists have been long this week. If you are interested in a 6.00pm Tuesday Ashtanga class, let me know.


I’m spending this weekend at Triyoga Soho with Tias Little with a weekend of workshops entitled The Yogi + The Buddha. I’m sure there are still places if you want to join me.

Yoga in the news

Mens Health has an odd article called a ‘Beginner’s Guide to Yoga for Men’. Strange because men invented the yoga system that we practice and men are the top teachers in the world. However, Men’s Health has some manly tips!

The Standard has an article about finding the right yoga for you, whether you want to deal with anxiety or insomnia or boost your gut health or even beat a cold!

I hope to see you on the mat soon.