Perfecting Generosity

Dear Yogis

‘Twas the week before Christmas and the money raised at our charity class in Decathlon, £120.00, has already been transferred. We were told that the most urgent need is stocks of juices and croissants for the landings – for greeting refugees on the shore. My charity bucket in the studio has £40 more which will go towards postage of the mats. They will be distributed at Vial (the camp) as people use them to sleep on. Perhaps some will make it to the language and learning centre of yoga!

Decathlon staff and security were so sweet to us. They kept the entrance doors on the first floor closed so we wouldn’t be disturbed. They provided water and protein bars. They cordoned off a large space for us (11 yogis) and provided some mats from their example shelf. I’m still collecting spare mats and spare money and I’ll organise another class soon to kick us off on a good 2020 note.

We felt the spirit of the season; it was totally blessed! This really is a blessed time of year, all about the practice of generosity rather than concentrating on our own concerns and ambitions, plans and lists. In Buddhist practice the act of ‘giving’ is called ‘Dana’ and it is in the DNA of practitioners. You don’t go to a monastery or temple without taking your Dana, your offering. It’s as normal as taking shoes off, it’s ubiquitous and unremarkable but you can’t reach buddhahood without perfecting generosity.

So! Happy Christmas! Happy giving!

Home Studio

Classes have finished and I settle down for my long winter nap! My lucky Home Studio becomes a bedroom for guests and is back in service in its rightful role on Monday 30th. One of the classes on the 30th is already full so I’ve added another class at 4.00pm. Then there’s the Ashtanga classes of Thursday 2nd, nothing in between.  And then we’re off into the Roaring Twenties! See attached for class availability. For those of you who have been coming for a while, please click here to write a small review.

Christmas Presents

My final suggestion for a Christmas present is bags from a company called Mimicri. Their website says: ‘We upcycle broken refugee rubber boats into high quality bags. The idea for mimycri was born on the Greek island Chios where the co-founders – Vera and Nora – volunteered several times since 2015 welcoming people arriving at the shores. This experience motivated Vera and Nora to stay engaged and do something.’


Tonight is the Charlie Merton workshop, Winter Solstice Yin Yoga + Gong Experience. If you’re looking for a Christmas present for a yogi, this is not a bad idea..

Yoga in the News

National Geographic has: Why our fast-paced society loves yoga. Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, a yoga instructor, Harvard neuroscientist, and expert on the science of yoga, says ‘ Stress plays a major role in many illnesses that kill us. It also drives unhealthy eating, poor sleep, alcohol and drug misuse, and other bad habits. “Modern medicine really sucks at preventing chronic disease’. Khalsa has investigated yoga for insomnia, PTSD, anxiety, and chronic stress, where he’s seen the most compelling evidence of yoga’s benefits.

Forbes has: Julia Roberts' “Eat, Pray, Love” Yoga Teacher Reveals Filming Secrets. ‘With Julia, I would incorporate many inversions and arm balances: Handstands, wall dog, Pincha Mayurasana (forearm stand), and Bakasana (crow). Powerful poses for a powerful woman. FYI: Actors have gruelling hours, so for several weeks of the film they were shooting through the night. She is a dedicated yogi, and we would practice at midnight!’

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