New Year's Resolutions

Dear Yogis.

It’s a foggy day... in London Town. As I write this I’m planning my New Year's resolutions. Yogis are very practiced in resolutions and setting intensions. There are various ways we might do this: resolving to get up for an early class, or travel great distances, or leave a busy work desk and ringing phone to practice! We’re pretty good at that! We turn up on the mat again and again, repeating the same postures, knowing that we are involved in a practice of changing ourselves for the better – whether the hamstring or the heart, we all come with our own resolution.  

Some of you may have come across the idea of a Sankalpa – the idea of creating the life we are supposed to lead and avoiding a life without authenticity. That takes a while to develop. In the meantime, a teacher might ask you to ‘set your intention’ at the beginning of a class or they might ask you to ‘dedicate your practice’ to someone. This means that we listen to the heart and meditate on ‘right motivation’ which puts us beyond the present moment into a space of focus and commitment. We practice putting our heart and our goodness in the in the centre of our regular resolutions.

Look at that! We’re masters at resolutions! I’m sure whatever your New Year’s Resolution is, you’ll be an Olympian in achieving it.

Home Studio

There are plenty of places next week. Only Wednesday is full. There will be two classes on Monday evenings – the 6.00- 7.00 Monday class is back and bookable on the website. There will be no Thursday class but, because of that, I’m putting on an extra one-off class on Friday 6th at 6.00. There are two spaces left if you would like to claim one or both.


I might put wishes into a jar this year instead of calling them ‘resolutions’: Northern Lights. Park Runs. Yoga retreats (one booked). Karaoke. Boxing. New Studio. Travel. Applaud the sunset.

Happy 2017