Freaky Yoga

Dear Yogis

I was asked about Nauli Kriya this week and I’ve been meaning to write to you about it and introduce you to the idea. Nauli can be translated as ‘rectus abdominals’ or ‘navel string’ and Kriya as ‘action’ or ‘cleansing’. It’s a practice that very obviously tones the abdominal muscles and very obviously gives an abdominal massage. It benefits the heart, kidneys, liver, digestive system, it drives out sluggishness, and cures disorders of the doshas! (See last week’s email!).

Now I read that ‘Nauli Is the Freaky Yoga Pose Taking Over Instagram’! It looks a bit like a Sigourney Weaver alien is in there and it’s definitely a shock the first time you see it in class – a little off-putting, in fact. Once you are able to perform uddiyana bandha (abdominal lock – empty stomach) then you can give it a go, unless pregnant! Here’s a favourite teacher of mine, Danny Paradise, giving instruction.

Home Studio

This Monday is another Bank Holiday and I’ll be holding both the 6.00 and the 7.30 classes in my home studio. Take a deep breath and join in, especially if you are new to yoga and want to give it a go. Yoga is for all. Yoga will calm whatever worries you bring along. Yoga doesn’t care about age, gender, size, or any other self- induced obstructions. (Just clean feet!!! Thank you for all of the responses to my call to cleanliness in last week’s email.)


This weekend I’ll be at Moorgate Light Centre on Sunday from 9.30-13.30 for a Jump Through workshop. It’s called ‘Building Blocks to Achieve Jump-Thru & Jump Back Ashtanga Workshop’. The workshop starts with a Led Primary Class. Join me if you’re free.

Yoga in the news

I’ve been sent two inspiring reports this week by many yogis, Thank you for that. The first is the 97-year-old yogi lady Tamil Nadu who is a yogi, a teacher and a teacher trainer. Slightly different is the posting of Yoga with Dog! Sweet!

Have a lovely long weekend. Another one!