Yamas and Niyamas for Christmas

Dear Yogis

Winter Solstice come and gone, Christmas is next, and then we start climbing back into the light and on into Spring! Thank you for making 2017 such a joyous year. I think back on classes where you’ve brought your friends and relations, celebrations and joy, problems and pains, and made my Home Studio a friendly and happy place.

Can yoga be relevant at Christmas? Yes it can! You’ll need the moves to help with digestion!  Last year I suggested some postures! This year, more philosophically, the Yamas and Niyamas are yoga’s version of precepts that can give some guidance at Christmas, as in life. I found a lovely article by YogaMagazine.com that suggests how to practice non-harm, restraint, self study and moderation over the festive period. There are lots of tips on how to resist that extra helping!


I always find it sweet to hear yogis, experienced and inexperienced, criticise themselves. You’re all so good and you’re impressively motivated. Please make a New Year Resolution to watch out for your self-criticism and laugh at it. Wag your finger at yourself and let the criticism go. Yogis say things like ‘I could be better’, I’m not very good’, ‘I don’t consider myself to be flexible’, and so on. Just consider yourself a yogi. That’s all you need. A teacher this week was less than impressed with my practice. What can I do? I just love the practice, I love classes with friends, I love teaching and I love being part of the yoga world. Do what you love! That’s all that is required!

Home Studio

Classes at home are classes with friends. I’m back in the first week of January. Some places are booked, some are not. You’re welcome to come. Till then, there’s plenty of yoga to be had in Ealing now that Triyoga is here. Every time I visit I see friends from Nuffield, Eden and my Home Studio. The annual tradition at Triyoga is that all classes on New Year's Day are by donation, with all proceeds going to each centre's chosen local charity. 


Don’t forget that my teacher, Valentina, has a refresher for people who have done Teacher Training . It’s 6  – 7 January 2018. Also, if you’re interested, her Teacher Training which starts on March 3rd/4th and you can find my testimonial here.

Yoga in the News

My goodness! The Telegraph reads like a yoga journal with this article about myofascial release for better health! Have a look and see what a tennis ball is really for!

Happy Christmas, Happy holidays, Happy Kwanza, Happy Eating with loved ones.

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