Monday Lunchtimes S&C

Dear Yogis,

Well! Strength & Conditioning on Monday lunchtimes, 1.00-2.00, is getting overbooked so it’s Almost time to start a second one. Here’s a taste of things we do: for a warm-up we do modified Sun Salutations. These are actually Fun Salutations because stay awhile in plank and do plank variations. Then arms with weights. Then legs including ‘Bulgarians’ and some knee strengthening. Core work including ‘Russians’ and, everybody’s favourite, Lying Leg Raises.

In this class we use a Decathlon 5 kg Weight Training Band (£6.99) and a Decathlon Glutes Weight Training Resistance Band (£5.99) and a Pilates ball. We use the Pilates ball right at the end mainly to wobble and laugh so, if you don’t have one, I’ll think of something else for you.

Come and join the fun. So far I haven’t put it online but I will now. Join online if you have the stuff:

1.    A heavy pair of dumbbells and a lighter pair. (I use a 2kg and a 6kg/7.5kg.)

2.    Decathlon bands (links above)

3.    A Pilates ball for some core work.

4.    A light yoga block for Leg Raises.

Have a look at the picture attached.


Normal classes over the Bank Holiday Weekend. Come as usual to stretchy, evening, wind-down classes or an energising, Friday/Saturday morning, seize-the-day Ashtanga classes.

Here’s a round-up of all classes:

Monday = Strength & Conditioning Lunchtime Class 1.00-2.00 (only five places)

Monday and Tuesday = Stretchy class at 7.00pm (10 places)

Thursday = Strength & Conditioning Lunchtime Class 1.00-2.00 (only five places)

Friday morning = Ashtanga at 8.30-9.30am (10 places)

Saturday morning = Ashtanga at 8.30 – 10.00am. (10 places) You can book here.

Yoga in The News

Outlook India has: Remembering Indra Devi: The First Lady of Yoga and Her Impact on International Women's Day 2024. ‘After years of dedicated practice and learning, Indra moved to China and opened her yoga academy in the house of Chinese leader Chiang Kai-Shek. She took Yoga to the Hollywood industry and opened her own yoga studio in the 1940s, attracting a diverse clientele including celebrities, actors, and everyday people seeking physical and mental well-being.’

The Guardian has: Tears, joy, yoga – and dreaded games: stage actors share their secrets of the rehearsal room. ‘For The Revenger’s Tragedy at the National in 2008, we had a good eight weeks, but we had opera in it, and revolving stages, and puppetry, and murder and prosthetic cocks. It was fabulous. We did yoga every morning before we started rehearsing. To begin with I was rolling my eyes to the ceiling, but by the end I just loved it.’

Happy Good Friday and Happy Easter.