“The Dawn Is Ours Before We Knew It”

Dear Yogis.

Having written last week about finding your sankalpa, Joe Biden demonstrated the sankalpa of a nation when he said: “As we look ahead in our uniquely American way, restless, bold, optimistic, (we) set our sights on a nation we know we can be and must be”. It’s “The past we step into and how we repair it”, said beautiful Amanda Gorman, 22, in her poem The Hill We Climb. Kamala Harris, in her first speech as Vice President, said: “A great experiment takes great determination. The will to do the work, and then the wisdom to keep refining, keep tinkering, keep perfecting.” 

All of this made me think of how important it is to write the story, the story of all the positivity and generosity and joy, and make that the starting point for today, and the rest of days. Turn your mind to your story. A person, and a nation, has a choice: make the story about the war and hatred and be condemned to keep repeating that; or make it about the joy and become that. President Joe Biden said, ‘our better angels have always prevailed’. Is that true… or is that his goal? 

What is true is this; “My whole soul is in this”, he said. Know the best of your story. Make it better.  

Zoom  Classes  

Yes! Germany and Winchester joined in last week! Now South Africa! Here’s looking at you, kid! Greece, where have you gone?! I look forward to seeing you next week. You can book here. There are some who only come for stretching. There are some who only come for the Ashtanga days. Then there are some who do both!!! Don’t forget the class today at 4.30. It’s a mixture of both. 

Other Stuff. 

It looks like the Ealing Half Marathon is on this year, Sunday 26th September. Fancy signing up with me? 

Yoga in the news  

The Cut Podcast asks: Do You Actually Miss Yoga Studios? It’s an American perspective. It looks back at the history of American yoga and how Indians were not the teachers of the early 20th Century, how the hippes took over and then how group yoga classes along with group fitness classes and aerobics class culture, became the hot new thing. And so this becomes the model for yoga. 

The Independent has: 10 best fitness apps for every workout, from yoga to running. You can have amped up yoga and Pilates to a heavy metal soundtrack, or running with Zombies behind you, or you can have a free app (from Nike) to dip your toe in. PS, Cosmic Kids is only £7.78. 

Well + Good has: Yoga HIIT Is the Best Way To Get Your Daily Dose of Strength Training, Stretching, and Cardio at the Same Time. “During high intensity, you will feel your heart rate increase which then activates your anaerobic threshold, which is where your body burns what you consume for energy. During lower intensity, you might feel you are able to lower your heart rate and catch you breathe a little easier, which energizes your aerobic processes.” 

Have a relaxing weekend – but not if you haven’t done your taxes! 

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