Core Blimey!

Dear Yogis,

I had an interesting experience at the weekend in the Second Series workshop with Chris Croft in Exeter. I was pretty unwell and had bad stomach pains. This meant little connection to my core. I’ve heard it said that yoga without Mula Bandha (pelvic floor lift) and Uddiyana Bandha (abdominal engagement) is faking yoga. Boy, that’s pretty harsh and I wouldn’t live by that saying! However, it really struck me when I couldn’t get into headstand. I had absolutely no connection to my core and no ability at all to get into a posture that I’ve been doing for many, many years. It was very humbling and very instructive. Teachers are always talking of the importance of core engagement but when it is taken away, a different perspective appears and greater understanding of postures.

Home Studio

You’ve been sending me some really wonderful feedback about classes with me or about yoga in general. I’ve been really inspired. I wonder if you would give me permission to post these comments on the website or if you could write them there yourself. Yesterday, my favourite rugby player left a restorative yoga class here in my Home Studio saying he felt ‘like a god’! That’s pretty spectacular for a number of reasons. He suffers panic attacks and has had ‘three horrendous days’ of attack-suffering, staggering to class every day, twice on Wednesday, to try to get through it. I’m amazed and humbled and uplifted by his example.

International Yoga Day


It continues! My dear friend and fellow Greek yoga retreat teacher Lisa Lischak is one of the teachers in Sunday’s ‘Yoga Celebration Day at Stockbridge Town Hall from 10am-6.30pm. There will be lots of different yoga styles on offer including Thai yoga massage.