Living with the Mind of Meditation

Dear Yogis,

One of the privileges of being a yoga teacher is seeing the herculean effort some people put into turning up to class. Honestly, I was never so brave as some of you. People come to my class after bereavement or with PTSD or depression or anxiety or panic attacks. I admire you so utterly.  I’ve been thinking about some of you because an esteemed yogi student gave me a present of a book that I treasure more and more with every page: Running with the Mind of Meditation by Sakyong Mipham. Here’s an example of a quote but there are so many delightful thoughts that almost any page offers something for me to pass on to you.

“Imagine that your mind is like your hand, holding a dumbbell. That dumbbell is all your issues and concerns. Being present in meditation is like putting the dumbbell down. Immediately there is less stress in the body and mind.”

Home Studio

Book a place! I watched a class leaving here one evening this week, walking off together into the cold night and smiling and chatting, and I felt overwhelmingly lucky. You’re all such fun to teach – especially when teaching core work. Please remember that groaning is an indication of an exhalation. Take a bit of time to inhale as well  However, groaning, I’m sure, is a sign of ‘being present’ which is very yogic!

New Class

The number of yogis coming to the Friday morning class at Eden Fitness has been growing and growing. Finally, 35 people in the groaning studio last week spurred Eden into Action and we have a new class starting from next Friday (18th November) at 8.30am-9.30am. The regular class at 9.30am to 10.30am remains the same. Back-to-back means a swift turn-over time.

Stay present!